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With the software designed for education, you can access some AI products to process texts and create Audio and Video files from texts.
Pictures, Links to AI products and more to entertain your life. You also may see the pictures without questioning what they are for.
Looking at the pictures below, what are you thinking?
What are these pictures about?
The links below are to introduce AI products in the process of gaining information.
Use the links to AI products or copy and paste URLs, trusting the security of your PC, Laptop, Tablet, or Phone.
The AI modules may be combined for educational purposes.
Write anything:
Generate Art: (Copy and Paste to your browser)
Generate Images:
Generate Video:
Or Copy and Paste to your browse:
Generate Music:
Generate Voice
Generate Slides:
Edit Picture:
Summarise notes:
Translate Anything
AI Platform
Microsoft AI
Text-To Speech
PDF file to Speech
Searching online and publishing
Dear Internet User
This page provides an opportunity for you to learn more about AI (Аrtificial intelligence). In a number of countries, AI products have become available for patients to meet their expectations and related authorities.
Use the links to technical tools above to translate and create PDF files and process the files gained online. With AI products, you can summarise your questions and learn how to form the information by creating Video and Audio files from texts.
Some links on this page are not directly related to health areas you may wish to explore. I suggest you use the links on this page to learn about some of AI products for your benefit. Kind regards, Dr Dmitri Tcherkas Some of the links may be helpful to give you answers to your questions. As the page is under construction, please do not rely on AI's response to your questions to follow the recommendations bluntly and do not use private or sensitive information while trying any AI product shown on this page.
Some links on this page are not directly related to health areas you may wish to explore. I suggest you use the links on this page to learn about some of AI products for your benefit. Kind regards, Dr Dmitri Tcherkas Some of the links may be helpful to give you answers to your questions. As the page is under construction, please do not rely on AI's response to your questions to follow the recommendations bluntly and do not use private or sensitive information while trying any AI product shown on this page.